Friday, February 26, 2010

Happy Birthday!!!!

Hey Everybody!

I (Hannah, Stephanie's annoying younger sister ;) am writing because today is a very special day! Today is Stephanie's 23 birthday!! And since I knew Stephanie wouldn't post anything, I had to! Hahaha! =)

On a more serious note...Stephanie, I am so thankful that the Lord has placed you in my life! God has taught me (and still teaching me) so much from watching your example. From being a joyful sister, respectful daughter, patient aunt, confiding friend (I'm thinking of all those late-nighters of staying up talking and laughing! I'm glad our siblings have learned to be patient with us! ;), contented spirit, love for the Lord, the list goes on and on. I'm so glad to have a godly example of what a daughter and sister should be like. Thank you!! I pray this year will be full of blessings, love, and laughter! =) I love you!

"Her children arise and call her blessed;..."

(But in your case, your family rises up and calls you blessed! =)


L.T.W. said...

Happy Birthday Stephanie! Hope you have a fantastic year!


Christie said...

Way to go, Hannah!!! I thought about hijacking Steph's blog, but... :) I was too chicken. *grin*

Love ya Steph!!! Happy Birthday!!!!

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