Monday morning, we all (excepting dad) paraded out to gather blueberries at a local farm. It was relaxing to be hidden amongst rows and rows of shaded berries- providing quiet to pray and enjoy our Creator's beautiful handiwork!
We ended up with around fifty pounds of berries and we've been spending time this week freezing, canning, and drying (and, of course, consuming them!).

I am daily experiencing the Lord's wisdom in His design for the family and its function in sanctifying individuals. Hannah and I were talking today about how much sanctification we feel the Lord working in our lives through the struggles and blessings of being a sister. As a result of being fallen sinful humans, learning to love each other can be a moment by moment battle against the flesh. My younger siblings are a wonderful confrontation of my pride and selfishness; one which I'm not always appreciative of until after the fact.
We are also learning the vital importance and power of prayer! Being a sister can many times leave you in a, seemingly, frustrated and powerless position. It is in these moments that we are required to walk in obedience and faith; graciously loving and patiently praying with fervency.
Praise the Lord for His goodness and wisdom towards us! I am humbled to reflect on the grace He has shown me- and I am bewildered by the love He continually shows.
His mercy endureth forever!