Sunday, June 20, 2010

Farm Friends and Garden Greens

This weekend was full of excitement and busyness. Friday morning brought 101 little additions to our homestead...

The masterminds!

So angelic. You're raising me for meat?

Having some fun

Things are going well in our organic, 2 acre garden. We've been busy battling weeds, potato bugs (it's actually rather addicting searching for the little boogers and victoriously counting your "profits"). We're so excited about the fruit of our labor coming in and are thankful for the Lord's goodness in blessing us!

Thank you so much, Mr. Craig, for the tomato seedlings! They're doing great!

Now for the part of gardening that provides time for conversations...plenty of time! :)Friday night we canned 28 quarts of beans from our first picking...

We had Christie and Isaac (and their dear little ones) with us this weekend. It was busy and we made many memories together- memories which I'll have to share later in one of my famous catch up posts. :)

After our usual weekly journey to church and back (which took a little longer this afternoon- as the result of an unfinished car game...:) ), we had some time this evening to relax and enjoy our daddy-dearest (i.e. singing together, watching a movie, and discussing how we can improve our "car game" strategy).

But on a more serious note, I can't even begin to record the blessings and peace involved in being called the daughter of Philip Johnson! The Lord is so good and I'm thankful for His mercy towards the undeserving! Thank you, daddy-dearest, for the sacrificial life you've lead to serve your family. You are truly a hero!


Unknown said...

I had a nightmare last night that I was helping pick off potatoe bugs and they started digging into my skin..... very scary.

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