Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Radiant Legacy

Yesterday marked the birthday of someone very special to my family, my grandmother, Jeananne Johnson. The word that always comes to mind when I think of her is radiant (beaming with brightness; emitting a vivid light or splendor; as the radiant sun)!

She joyfully reflects the love of Christ and I experience His love through her sweet fellowship. One of my favorite places to be is in her living room, with a cup of her delicious coffee in one hand and an old photo album of her and my grandfather in the other. I'll flip through its pages while she recounts intriguing stories from the past.

My grandparents would always strive, and definitely succeeded, in making our moments with them memorable and blessed. My sisters and I have such sweet memories of being young and waking to the sound of Mema's humming in the kitchen and the aroma of coffee and pancakes.

Mema and Papa with little Rosie

As easy as it may be for me to think she was, I know my mema wasn't just born a radiant person. She allowed the Lord to use the hardships throughout her life to mold her into the precious person we know and love.

The stories we've heard her tell time and again are the wonderful memories of her four boys growing up; the blessed marriage she shared with her sweetheart, Roger Johnson; and the extraordinary experiences of serving in the Philippines. Even though there are many hardships to share from her past, she always focuses on the blessings; sharing the more somber stories only when asked, and the stories are never told with resentment.

When I recount the trials and losses she has experienced over the course of her life (losing her father at a young age, experiencing the death of two sons and her husband), I stand in amazement at the sweet and gentle person she is today. It is a lesson I hope to remember throughout my trust in my Savior and allow the affliction He brings to direct me to Him and turn me into the person He created me to be.

I could not speak my grandmother's praise enough! I am so thankful for the example she has laid out for all of her family. It is my prayer, Lord willing, to carry on her legacy to my grandchildren.

Thank you, dearest Mema, for all you have done and are doing to impact those around you! You are truly amazing and I thank the Lord for you daily!


Unknown said...

I love Mema Johnson. She and Papa really touched my life when I was a little girl. I'll never forget the wallet they gave me on his birthday. It meant so much to me. Your Mema is an amazing woman.

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