Saturday, May 2, 2009

Experiencing Unfeigned Joy

My personal journey of sanctification has been a long one, requiring a considerable amount of grace from my loving Savior. I could never share every lesson that I learn throughout the day; as I seem to find myself frequently chastened by my Savior's gentle hand while I carry out the daily tasks He's called me to.

The greatest lesson He's taught me over the past months has resulted in an abundant amount of joy and peace. The lesson has consisted of enjoying my parents and doing my very best to bless them with the means I am capable.

We can all agree that the Bible gives clear commands to "Honor thy father and mother", and it puts strong emphasis and attention on the consequences of not doing so. But what does it truly mean to honor my parents? Is obeying them all that's required?

This morning I did a quick word search in Strong's Concordance about the topic of parents and the honor that's due them. You can see how importance this is to God by the long list of passages addressed to this subject. The consequences of not honoring your parents is all through the Proverbs, and we can see how it negatively effected many men and women throughout the Bible.
A subject that holds such importance to God should be heeded, right?! Should these commands be acted upon by the standards of our culture today?...

Merriam-Webster's 2009 Dictionary defines honor in this way:

one whose worth brings respect or fame, an evidence or symbol of distinction: an exalted title or rank, a person of superior standing —now used especially as a title for a holder of high office .

That's our cultures idea of showing honor. Here's what Noah Webster said in his 1828 Dictionary:

1. To revere; to respect; to treat with deference and submission, and perform relative duties to.

Honor thy father and thy mother. Ex.20.

2. A testimony of esteem; any expression of respect or of high estimation by words or actions...(emphasis added)

Honoring our parents entails much more than just obeying them because we're commanded to. It involves loving them in sincerity, resulting in our desire to act upon our love and express it to them through our words and actions! To truly honor someone, we must do all in our power to respect and bless them.

"There are those who curse their fathers and do not bless their mothers." -Proverbs 30:11

I've been convicted of how I've neglected truly blessing my parents over the years. But by applying and acting upon these truths over the past months, the Lord has blessed me so abundantly! I definitely think He was gracious in giving me the parents He did. My mother's joyful spirit and love for her children and husband; my dad's wisdom, patience, and love for the Lord... make it a pleasure to honor them! They have become my closest and dearest friends. I long for their counsel and praise God for His using them to lead me.


Heather said...

What beautiful insights, Steph! Thank you so much for sharing! This is also perfectly applicable to the stage of life that I am in...honoring and reverencing my husband. It is so wonderful that you are learning this now, and truly enjoying mom and dad! Love you much!!

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