Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Photo Tip for the Week

Painting With Light

When a painter is creating an image, he focuses attention on the colors of paint applied to the canvas, the brush size, the amount of pressure needed for each stroke, etc. Photography is very similar. When your setting up to take a picture, think first and fore-most about the light.

The camera is your paintbrush, and the light around you is the paint. You can take that paint and create a beautiful image, if you properly use the tools needed.
To acquire the right amount of light recorded in your camera you need to focus on and understand these different factors: shutter speed, aperture, ISO, white balance, metering mode, flash, and ambient light.
I know it seems like a lot, but don't worry, we're going to break them down one at a time and get this mastered.

Remember, photography is an art, and you're the artist.


Maggie said...

I need to borrow you for a week to train me how to use my camera. Thank you for the great tips.

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